Our Reasons for Home Education:

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Although he was achieving good results, he wasn't reaching his full potential because his love for learning had been destroyed & hence his grades were steadily declining.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Completely failed by the system, he hated school, was always tired & homework time was a major frustration for both of us. He was severely frustrated & quickly heading to become yet another ADHD statistic.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Type to Learn 4 (Review)

~ Agents of Information

ttl4packageNow this is a Typing Tutor with a difference. I have tried it my self & must honestly admit, I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit.

41RfKoWbQCL._AA300_1This tutor has a teacher facility and allows 5 students. It has reporting facilities for tracking students’ progress. It starts with a pre-test and places the student at the appropriate level. This program contains 27 lessons, each of which have a lesson and a variety of game type activities for practicing the learned skills.

41QjyEFjvSL._SL500_AA300_2The look and feel of this game type tutor also makes it more appropriate for boys who usually don’t enjoy the “girly type” typing tutors available.

41ktGGfDKoL._AA300_3I also enjoy how the program unlocks bits of information as you work through the lessons, allowing the student to learn additional information on top of the typing practise.

31wexf9 tML._AA300_4Working through the levels can easily become quite addictive. My son insisted he didn’t need a typing tutor, but didn’t protest too much when I had him try it out.

All in all it is really a great teaching tool and so much fun too.

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