Our Reasons for Home Education:

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Although he was achieving good results, he wasn't reaching his full potential because his love for learning had been destroyed & hence his grades were steadily declining.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Completely failed by the system, he hated school, was always tired & homework time was a major frustration for both of us. He was severely frustrated & quickly heading to become yet another ADHD statistic.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Handwriting Recources

  • Check out LeftHandedChildren for information and advice to help left-handed children from nursery right through their school days to overcome the annoyances and frustrations of living in a right-handed world.

  • Check out Smart Kids who Hate to Write by Dianne Craft if you have a reluctant writer.

  • Handwriting for Kids Free lessons online. Each lesson is featured on its own page, and kids are shown in simple steps how to write the numbers, letters, and sentences. Kids can trace uppercase and lowercase letters, and even blank sheets are provided for kids to practice more before their next lessons!

  • A Reason for Handwriting provides a fun, meaningful approach to developing handwriting skills. Lessons Based on Scripture Verses! A complete K – 6th curriculum, and offers student desk cards, alphabet wall sheets, letter formation charts, vocabulary lists, daily lesson plans, and much more.

  • The Happy Handwriter a handwriting programme for children from 5 to 10 years of age. The programme is designed for children to master the motor maps for handwriting. By following the principles and systematically working through the series, children can learn to write correctly the first time. Designed by an occupational therapist for use at home or in the classroom, the guidelines for parents and teachers are clearly laid out. Never losing their primary focus of establishing handwriting patterns, the workbooks are simple and uncluttered, allowing the children to direct their focus to the task at hand while enjoying the animals who share their journey through the book. The Happy Handwriter’s series will accompany your children on their path to establishing the life-long skill of handwriting.

  • The Amazing – Incredible Handwriting Worksheet Maker!Make full-page custom handwriting worksheet in seconds!

Please visit this page frequently as I will be posting regular updates as I find more resources.

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